Gender Book

Of the civil status of the noble families of Europe is regularly reported to the late 17th century in the Hofkalendern, state manuals and noble almanacs.

In 1764, the most famous "Gotha court calendar for pleasure and pleasure" was published for the first time and has been known since 1951 under the official name "Genealogical Manual of the Noble".

As a counterpart to the abovementioned court calendar, the "Genealogical Handbook of Civic Families" was published from 1889 onwards.

The German Gender Book entitled "Genealogical Handbook of Civic Families" was published between 1889 and 1943. During this period, 119 volumes were published. Under the name "Deutsches Geschlechterbuch" (German Gender Book), the series with volume 120 was continued in 1956.

By publishing the lists and family crests in the gender books, they facilitate the work of family research. The various volumes are sorted by regions of the German Reich.

Research Aids in the German Gender Book

Large name register band 1-64

Genealogical Handbook of Civic Family Volume 51-60

Genealogical Handbook of Civic Family Volume 71-80

Genealogical Handbook of Civic Family Volume 111-120

online Genealogy

News from the category gender book

In the course of time, wild marriages may also be included in the gender book. There are now also registered "Stammhalterinnen" in the register, which pass on the surname to their biological children. In the gender books, not only the symbol of marriage (oo), but also the symbol for non-marital life communities (oo), are admissible.